Thursday 4 December 2014

25 fast Facts about about Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln is the only president to have obtained a patent.

Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address made at the end of the Civil War is one of the most oft repeated speeches throughout history.

Lincoln dreamed of his own death at least twice in the weeks leading up to his assignation.

He was born on February 12th 1809, and died April 15th 1865 at the age of fifty six.

His home state is Illinois.
He was the tallest U.S president at 6’4″.

He patented a system to alter buoyancy of steamboats in 1849.

His birth mother died from milk sickness.

His father remarried a widow, and Abraham was very close to his step mother.

He ran a store in New Salem.

Even though he was strong, a talented wrestler, and proficient with an axe, Lincoln disliked killing and harming animals, even for food.

Lincoln proposed to Mary just one year after meeting her in Springfield 1839.

He was the first president to have a beard.

Lincoln created the Secret Service hours before his assassination.

Lincoln is enshrined in the Wrestling Hall of Fame.

Grave robbers attempted to steal Lincoln’s corpse.

 John Wilkes Booth’s brother saved the life of Lincoln’s son. 
Abraham Lincoln was assassinated at the Ford Theatre in 1865 by Johns Wilkes Booth.

Lincoln was only in the forefront of American Politics for 6 short years but, in that time he became the most hated and the most loved president in the history of the United States. He was credited with tearing the country apart and bringing it back together and he changed this country forever.

Lincoln has no direct line of living heirs as far as anyone knows. The last of his son Robert’s line died in the 1980′s.

A turkey was sent to the White House for a holiday dinner in 1863, and Lincoln’s son Tad pleaded that it not be executed. Lincoln issued “an order of reprieve,” sparing the turkey’s life.

Lincoln was the first president to lie in state at the U.S. Capitol Rotunda.

In 1876, a group of men tried to remove Lincoln’s body from Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield, Ill., and hold it for a large ransom.

The Lincoln Bedroom was never a bedroom in Lincoln’s time; it was an office where Lincoln met with cabinet members and signed the Emancipation Proclamation. The room still contains a few pieces of office furniture from Lincoln’s time along with a handwritten copy of the Gettysburg Address.

Lincoln’s mother, Nancy Hanks, was a distant relative of Tom Hanks, making the president and the actor fourth cousins, four times removed.

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