Monday 8 December 2014

15 surprising illegal immigration facts in the united states

Illegal immigration is one of the major problems in america s well as in other countries.Check out some of the surprising facts about the illegal immigrants

Here are some of the interesting facts you never knew about illegal immigration :

-Fifty-eight percent of the illegal immigrant population is from Mexico.
-Twenty-four percent of illegal immigrants reside in California; 16% reside in Texas. 
-The number of children born to at least one unauthorized-immigrant parent was 350,000.
– Obama Administration goes into the history book for deporting illegal immigrants more than any other previous Presidents.
-55% of American adults oppose “providing free public education benefits to children of immigrants who are in the United States illegally
-59% of likely voters say that securing the U.S. border is more
-All immigrants pay taxes whether they are illegal or not.
-Around 75% have legal permanent  visas; of the 25% that are here illegally
-Illegal immigration has been one of the primary factors that has fueled the growth of these gangs.
-Mexican drug cartels make approximately 6.6 billion dollars a year “exporting” illegal drugs to the United States.
-More than 810,000 illegal immigrants accepted offers to return to their home countries without being forcibly removed.
-The total number of unauthorized immigrants in the nation’s labor force in United States is 8 million.
-67% believe that illegal immigration is a strain on the federal budget
– It is being projected that the Senate immigration bill will bring 33 million more people to the United States over the next decade.
– Immigrants do send money to family members, making it possible for more people to stay in their home countries rather than migrating to the United States.

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