Tuesday 4 November 2014

Every heroine Drinks, Smokes ?

Though it may sound practical and harsh the general perception of heroines among the cine folks or the outsiders is not that great. Many think that heroines mean they indulge in smoking, drinking, partying wildly and having sex. But then such a thinking is wrong and that aspect is not right.

To an extent, those who want to settle quickly in film industry and grab multiple offers might do that. But to those who have material will not compromise and work professionally. At the same time, some actresses might think by doing this only it will work but on a whole it won’t work.

So, the chances of exceptions are very high and over the years the cine folks know clearly how many actresses have actually indulged in something very wild like smoking, sex and drinking and how many have abstained from such things and concentrated only on their work. It is a mix of good and bad folks.

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