Wednesday 15 October 2014

Elwes injured himself and tried to keep it a secret.

AndrĂ© used an ATV to circumnavigate the rocky terrain at Cave Dale in Derbyshire where The Man in Black tells Buttercup, “Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.”
After much prodding by AndrĂ©, Elwes took the ATV out for a ride. “As I applied the gas, the vehicle bounced over a thick patch of rocks and my foot slipped from the clutch and became wedged between the pedal and one of the rocks, which caused the engine to sputter and stall,” he wrote. “I looked down to see that the big toe on my left foot was bent straight downwards.”
While the pain was immeasurable, Elwes was more afraid that Reiner would have to shut down production, so he attempted to keep the injury a secret. The on-set medic applied a splint and the wardrobe department cut a hole in the back of his boot to accommodate the newly engorged foot. “I wasn’t fooling anyone,” Elwes wrote. “Least of all myself. I wasn’t going to be able to walk without a limp, let alone run or fight a sword fight.”
Reiner found out about the injury, but wasn’t mad — only hurt that Elwes thought he had to keep it a secret as opposed to knowing everyone would work together to make sure the scene could still be achieved.
“If you look closely at the film, when he’s on the top of the mountain with Robin, before she pushes him down the hill, they have this scene where he sits down and he’s leaning up against this log,” Reiner wrote. “And you can see the way he sits down, with his leg extended, he didn’t want to put any weight on it. And when he did it, I thought, Wow! What an elegant way to sit down. I didn’t realize that he just couldn’t put any weight on his foot.”

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