Saturday, 30 November 2013
Friday, 29 November 2013
Thursday, 28 November 2013
New Energy Conversion Principle May Double Efficiency of Today's Engines
— Professor Naitoh of the Faculty of Science and Engineering has
discovered a new compressive combustion principle that can yield engines
with the ultimate level of efficiency. With a thermal efficiency of 60%
or more in applications including automobiles, power generation, and aircraft, will their low fuel consumption be superior to that of HV vehicles?
Professor Ken Naitoh of Waseda University's Faculty of Science and Engineering (Department of Applied Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering) and his associates have discovered a revolutionary energy conversion principle (new compressive combustion principle) able to yield stand-alone engines with double or higher the thermal efficiency potential of conventional engines, independent of their size. If engines utilizing this principle can be put to use in practical applications, it is believed that they could become innovations with the ability to solve today's immediate environmental energy problems.
This new compressive combustion principle was formulated by Professor Naitoh through the development of a new thermofluid dynamics theory, as well as thought experiments, supercomputer simulations, and high speed airflow experiments drawing on that theory. The fundamental principle is that while thermal efficiency can be raised by reaching a high compression ratio, achieved through pulsed collisions of multiple high-speed jets of an air-fuel gas mixture at microscopic regions in the central area of a combustion chamber, expanded uses and ranges of application were attained with the further addition of 3 new measures. This method is also considered to be lower in cost than batteries, as well as having possibilities for noise reduction and the potential to eliminate the need for cooling mechanisms. 1. Prototype engine for automobiles 2. Prototype engine for aircraft
If the effectiveness of this principle can be confirmed through combustion tests, it will not only open up the doors to new lightweight, high-performance aerospace vehicles, but would also lead to prospects of next-generation, high-performance engines for automobiles.
The maximum thermal efficiency of present-day gasoline engines for automobiles is on the order of 30%, believed to fall to a level as low as 15% in states from idling to low-speed city driving. Therefore, if automobiles could be equipped with "low-cost, ultimate efficiency engines," reaching a stand-alone thermal efficiency of 60% or higher over a wide range of driving conditions, it is believed that a substantial fuel consumption superior to that of current hybrid system automobiles could be a reality. Furthermore, if such automobiles, equipped with these high-efficiency engines, could be used to generate power at individual households, it would open up possibilities for improving the total energy efficiency of our entire society.
Professor Ken Naitoh of Waseda University's Faculty of Science and Engineering (Department of Applied Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering) and his associates have discovered a revolutionary energy conversion principle (new compressive combustion principle) able to yield stand-alone engines with double or higher the thermal efficiency potential of conventional engines, independent of their size. If engines utilizing this principle can be put to use in practical applications, it is believed that they could become innovations with the ability to solve today's immediate environmental energy problems.
This new compressive combustion principle was formulated by Professor Naitoh through the development of a new thermofluid dynamics theory, as well as thought experiments, supercomputer simulations, and high speed airflow experiments drawing on that theory. The fundamental principle is that while thermal efficiency can be raised by reaching a high compression ratio, achieved through pulsed collisions of multiple high-speed jets of an air-fuel gas mixture at microscopic regions in the central area of a combustion chamber, expanded uses and ranges of application were attained with the further addition of 3 new measures. This method is also considered to be lower in cost than batteries, as well as having possibilities for noise reduction and the potential to eliminate the need for cooling mechanisms. 1. Prototype engine for automobiles 2. Prototype engine for aircraft
If the effectiveness of this principle can be confirmed through combustion tests, it will not only open up the doors to new lightweight, high-performance aerospace vehicles, but would also lead to prospects of next-generation, high-performance engines for automobiles.
The maximum thermal efficiency of present-day gasoline engines for automobiles is on the order of 30%, believed to fall to a level as low as 15% in states from idling to low-speed city driving. Therefore, if automobiles could be equipped with "low-cost, ultimate efficiency engines," reaching a stand-alone thermal efficiency of 60% or higher over a wide range of driving conditions, it is believed that a substantial fuel consumption superior to that of current hybrid system automobiles could be a reality. Furthermore, if such automobiles, equipped with these high-efficiency engines, could be used to generate power at individual households, it would open up possibilities for improving the total energy efficiency of our entire society.
Scientists are studying stingray movements to design more agile and fuel-efficient unmanned underwater vehicles.
-- The vehicles would allow researchers to more efficiently study the
mostly unexplored ocean depths, and they could also serve during clean
up or rescue efforts.
"Most fish wag their tails to swim. A stingray's swimming is much more unique, like a flag in the wind," said Richard Bottom, a University at Buffalo mechanical engineering graduate student participating in the research. Bottom and Iman Borazjani, UB assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, set out to investigate the form-function relationship of the stingray - why it looks the way it does and what it gets from moving the way it does. The researchers used computational fluid dynamics, which employs algorithms to solve problems that involve fluid flows, to map the flow of water and the vortices around live stingrays.
The study is believed to be the first time the leading-edge vortex, the vortex at the front of an object in motion, has been studied in underwater locomotion, said Borazjani. The leading-edge vortex has been observed in the flight of birds and insects, and is one of the most important thrust enhancement mechanics in insect flight. The vortices on the waves of the stingrays' bodies cause favourable pressure fields - low pressure on the front and high pressure on the back - which push the ray forward. Because movement through air and water are similar, understanding vortices are critical. "By looking at nature, we can learn from it and come up with new designs for cars, planes and submarines," said Borazjani.
"But we're not just mimicking nature. We want to understand the underlying physics for future use in engineering or central designs," said Borazjani. Studies have already demonstrated that stingray motion closely resembles the most optimal swimming gait, said Bottom. Much of this is due to the stingray's unique flat and round shape, which allows them to easily glide through water.
"Most fish wag their tails to swim. A stingray's swimming is much more unique, like a flag in the wind," said Richard Bottom, a University at Buffalo mechanical engineering graduate student participating in the research. Bottom and Iman Borazjani, UB assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, set out to investigate the form-function relationship of the stingray - why it looks the way it does and what it gets from moving the way it does. The researchers used computational fluid dynamics, which employs algorithms to solve problems that involve fluid flows, to map the flow of water and the vortices around live stingrays.
The study is believed to be the first time the leading-edge vortex, the vortex at the front of an object in motion, has been studied in underwater locomotion, said Borazjani. The leading-edge vortex has been observed in the flight of birds and insects, and is one of the most important thrust enhancement mechanics in insect flight. The vortices on the waves of the stingrays' bodies cause favourable pressure fields - low pressure on the front and high pressure on the back - which push the ray forward. Because movement through air and water are similar, understanding vortices are critical. "By looking at nature, we can learn from it and come up with new designs for cars, planes and submarines," said Borazjani.
"But we're not just mimicking nature. We want to understand the underlying physics for future use in engineering or central designs," said Borazjani. Studies have already demonstrated that stingray motion closely resembles the most optimal swimming gait, said Bottom. Much of this is due to the stingray's unique flat and round shape, which allows them to easily glide through water.
A new method of flight, in the form of a flying jellyfish robot, has been created.
drones may take on a new look soon, not that of the elegant and
streamlined Aerosonde currently used for collecting data to be used for
discerning weather patterns. Nor will it look like the technical Aeryon
Scout which is used for capturing and transmitting images and video.
No, some new generation surveillance drones may just be flying jellyfish robot drones. While many attempts have been made to create small robots that use methods similar to the mechanics of a fruit fly, these techniques have not been successful due to the instability of the flapping wing motion. Enter the flying jellyfish robot. This system is self-stabilizing as it does not require the flapping of any types of wings, nor minor adjustments that helicopters are known to require. Leif Ristroph of New York University can be credited for the development of the flying jellyfish robot, which will be presented at the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics meeting on November 24 in Pittsburgh. This conference typically has close to 3000 attendees from across the globe. The objective of this meeting is “to promote the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in all areas of fluid dynamics.” The goal of Leif Ristroph’s flying jellyfish robot is to potentially have the technology used for surveillance, search and rescue missions, and atmospheric monitoring. Currently, the flying jellyfish robot prototype runs off of an external power source and cannot stray very far. Although this prototype has much research and development left to go before it can be used in a practical application, the invention itself is quite the marvel. To see a flying jellyfish robot would be quite a sight indeed.
No, some new generation surveillance drones may just be flying jellyfish robot drones. While many attempts have been made to create small robots that use methods similar to the mechanics of a fruit fly, these techniques have not been successful due to the instability of the flapping wing motion. Enter the flying jellyfish robot. This system is self-stabilizing as it does not require the flapping of any types of wings, nor minor adjustments that helicopters are known to require. Leif Ristroph of New York University can be credited for the development of the flying jellyfish robot, which will be presented at the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics meeting on November 24 in Pittsburgh. This conference typically has close to 3000 attendees from across the globe. The objective of this meeting is “to promote the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in all areas of fluid dynamics.” The goal of Leif Ristroph’s flying jellyfish robot is to potentially have the technology used for surveillance, search and rescue missions, and atmospheric monitoring. Currently, the flying jellyfish robot prototype runs off of an external power source and cannot stray very far. Although this prototype has much research and development left to go before it can be used in a practical application, the invention itself is quite the marvel. To see a flying jellyfish robot would be quite a sight indeed.
Sixth Sense in Mechanical Engineering Sensor Screw Measures Forces Inside Machines
— An age-old engineering problem: how do you precisely measure the
forces that act between two components inside a machine or, for example,
on the sail of a boat without drilling holes or sticking on a sensor?
Researchers at the Technischen Universität Darmstadt have developed a brilliantly simple solution: a screw with an integrated sensor.
The sensor screw has its origin in special research area SFB 805, "Control of uncertainty in load-carrying mechanical systems" at the TU Darmstadt. If you are investigating uncertainties and ultimately want to overcome them, you need precise measurements that are provided by sensors.
"Until now, there really were no particularly good methods for attaching sensors," explains Matthias Brenneis, who invented and developed the screw, based on a previous project at the Institute for Production Engineering and Forming Machines. "Adhesive compounds dissolve easily, especially in a harsh real-world production environment." In addition, externally mounted sensors provided readings from "outside"; however, these could differ from the forces actually acting in the interior of a machine or a component. "So why not combine a sensor and an machine component such as a screw using metal-forming?" wondered Matthias Brenneis. The advantages are obvious: screws are available practically everywhere and could be replaced by their "sensing" counterparts in entire production chains. Their operation is very simple and the little "measuring device" is hardly prone to faults. The sensor is located exactly where the forces are acting and therefore works very precisely, so that designing and dimensioning can be carried out more efficiently. The sensor screw can provide measurement data at certain points in time, but also continuously. Among other things, this makes precise quality controls possible. For example, if a workpiece that is deformed or whose thickness varies is being transported through a roll train, the sensor screws that hold the rollers would register it immediately. Until now, quality-reducing deviations often become apparent only during the final inspection after the entire production process -- resulting in expensive rejects. In order to be able to read and interpret the measurement data of the sensor screw, the TU researchers are developing suitable analysis software. "The goal is to obtain a lot of information from a few reliable data" summarizes Manuel Ludwig, who is in charge of this part of the project. The screw has passed through several stages, was made smaller, is approaching marketability and has been patented. The German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology is convinced by the new technology and has incorporated the project in its "Exist-Forschungstransfer"
(Exist Research Transfer) program. For 18 months, the development of
the sensor screw will now be supported with funding -- ideally until it
goes into production. The first clients are already using the technology
in pioneering projects. The development of the sensor screw has now
culminated in the spin-off of ConSenses GmbH -- a good example of the
innovation and impetus coming from TU Darmstadt, the "university of
originators." But things will not end there, however, explains Jörg
Stahlmann, who is in charge of Marketing and Sales at ConSenses. "Our
goal for the future is always to cooperate with the TU in order to open
up new application fields." The ConSenses founders would also like to
benefit from the interdisciplinary knowledge that converges at the TU.
"This pool of expertise can not be found in industry in this form" says Stahlmann. The TU development turns an everyday object into a smart high tech product and provides future users with a "sixth sense," as it were, when dealing with buildings and systems. A convincingly simple concept that Matthias Brenneis summarizes with a simple common denominator: "Good ideas are always easy to use."
The sensor screw has its origin in special research area SFB 805, "Control of uncertainty in load-carrying mechanical systems" at the TU Darmstadt. If you are investigating uncertainties and ultimately want to overcome them, you need precise measurements that are provided by sensors.
"Until now, there really were no particularly good methods for attaching sensors," explains Matthias Brenneis, who invented and developed the screw, based on a previous project at the Institute for Production Engineering and Forming Machines. "Adhesive compounds dissolve easily, especially in a harsh real-world production environment." In addition, externally mounted sensors provided readings from "outside"; however, these could differ from the forces actually acting in the interior of a machine or a component. "So why not combine a sensor and an machine component such as a screw using metal-forming?" wondered Matthias Brenneis. The advantages are obvious: screws are available practically everywhere and could be replaced by their "sensing" counterparts in entire production chains. Their operation is very simple and the little "measuring device" is hardly prone to faults. The sensor is located exactly where the forces are acting and therefore works very precisely, so that designing and dimensioning can be carried out more efficiently. The sensor screw can provide measurement data at certain points in time, but also continuously. Among other things, this makes precise quality controls possible. For example, if a workpiece that is deformed or whose thickness varies is being transported through a roll train, the sensor screws that hold the rollers would register it immediately. Until now, quality-reducing deviations often become apparent only during the final inspection after the entire production process -- resulting in expensive rejects. In order to be able to read and interpret the measurement data of the sensor screw, the TU researchers are developing suitable analysis software. "The goal is to obtain a lot of information from a few reliable data" summarizes Manuel Ludwig, who is in charge of this part of the project. The screw has passed through several stages, was made smaller, is approaching marketability and has been patented. The German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology is convinced by the new technology and has incorporated the project in its "Exist-Forschungstransfer"
"This pool of expertise can not be found in industry in this form" says Stahlmann. The TU development turns an everyday object into a smart high tech product and provides future users with a "sixth sense," as it were, when dealing with buildings and systems. A convincingly simple concept that Matthias Brenneis summarizes with a simple common denominator: "Good ideas are always easy to use."
Mechanical Engineers At MIT Develop Naturally Waterproof Surface
Details -- Scientists working in New England are well aware that they have chosen to pursue their careers in a region of the country that is used to wet weather. With that in mind, it is probably of little surprise that engineering research into increasing the efficiency of hydrophobic materials has discovered by a team of mechanical engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The research, which has been published in the journal Nature, has been instrumental in creating what some believe to be the most waterproof material ever, with the scientists involved admitting that they took inspiration from the way butterfly wings stay dry, whatever the weather. If this is the case, it could have significant applications in terms of making certain metals, fabrics and ceramics less susceptible to moisture, and potentially be used to prevent ice build-up in a number of engineering resources such as wind turbines or even aircraft wings.
Reducing water contact:
According to the World Science Report, the key factor was finding a means to surpass the minimum time it takes for a bouncing droplet of water - in other words, rain - to stay in contact with a surface, with the notion being that minimizing the interaction between that surface and the water would, potentially, improve the waterproofing potential of a chosen material. This theoretical length - known as the Rayleigh time - is extremely important in nature, with previous studies identifying the lotus leaf as the one that stays dry the most. "The time that the drop stays in contact with a surface is important because it controls the exchange of mass, momentum, and energy between the drop and the surface," said Kripa Varanasi, the Doherty Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the university. "If you can get the drops to bounce faster, that can have many advantages." While the aforementioned lotus was deemed to be the gold standard, the MIT researchers now think that ridges found on the wings of the Morpho butterfly, as well as nasturtium leaves, may actually hold the answer. According to MIT News, the team was able to break through the Rayleigh limit and demonstrate contact times that were 40 percent shorter than previously thought possible, with the eventual aim being to reduce that time by up to 80 percent. To achieve this, they added macroscopic ridges to a number of hydrophobic surfaces, allowing the droplets to split when coming into contact with the ridged material. While the amount of time that the water stayed in contact with the chosen surface was nanoseconds, the fact remains that any reduction in duration that water stays in contact with a surface or material is of great interest to engineers or companies who manufacturer products that are affected by wet weather.
"We've demonstrated that we can use surface texture to reshape a drop as it recoils, in such a way that the overall contact time is significantly reduced," said James Bird, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Boston University and the paper's lead author. "The upshot is that the surface stays drier longer if this contact time is reduced, which has the potential to be useful for a variety of applications."
Surpassing the lotus effect:
While the MIT research remains in its early stages, it continues to receive support from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the National Science Foundation. One of the key elements in terms of hydrophobic material implementation is the fact that the are often found to be quite brittle, even when taking into account the mimicking of the "lotus effect" that has been applied to industrial materials such as paints and roof tiles.
"The key challenge is durability ," said Varanasi. "Most super-hydrophobic materials are fragile polymers - they don't stand up to abrasion, or high temperatures. But combining our textures with stronger materials - such as metals and ceramics - we can overcome these durability challenges." This desire to create long-lasting effects could be where the nature-inspired ridges become most useful. Limiting ongoing contact with materials that corrode or rust in areas of heavy moisture could create, in the opinion of the MIT engineers, an increase in efficiency, an essential component in heavy machinery and the aviation industry. Creating the ridges themselves is fairly simple - even at a macroscopic level - and the researchers believe that there is a market for industrial applications, such as for existing waterproof coatings that may not always do what they say on the tin. But the sector that could see the most benefit is fabrics, especially in the leisure industry.
"Sportswear, lab coats, military clothing, tents - there are a whole range of situations where you want to stay dry," said Varanasi, in an interview with the BBC. "Now we need to bring in the designers - how can you make a fabric that has these new features?"
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Super Aerodynamic Wing Time to move forward from fixed geometry wings of aircrafts to movable ones.
travel may be fast and convenient, but exhaust from the millions of
flights that take-off and land each year worldwide is having an impact
on the health of the planet.
Fortunately, a Ryerson researcher is studying how to make airplanes more environmentally friendly. A professor of aerospace engineering, Fengfeng (Jeff) Xi has received funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to support his work with "morphing" aircraft wings. Traditional aircraft wings are stationary, in contrast to Xi's shape-shifting wing. That is, other than high-lift devices such as flaps and slats that open and close, conventional wings remain in a fixed shape during all stages of flight – take-off, ascent, cruising, descent and landing. But this is not aerodynamically optimal, says Xi.
"A fixed geometry wing is not effective at reducing drag," he says. And when an aircraft experiences more resistance in flight, it uses up more fuel and this, in turn, generates more air pollution. And those emissions in the upper atmosphere not only contribute to climate change, but also eventually cause premature deaths on terra firma.
According to a 2010 study by researcher Steven Barrett of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, toxic pollutants in airplane exhaust kill at least 10,000 people around the world on an annual basis. Many of the deaths that are due to air pollution, reports the World Health Organization, involve cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, such as lung cancer. Clearly, the stakes are high, especially in light of the growing dependence on air travel. For example, according to the United States' Federal Aviation Administration, global air travel is expected to almost double by 2032. To help address the need for green aviation, Xi has partnered with undergraduate students, graduate students and faculty collaborators, including Paul Walsh, chair of aerospace engineering, to develop a prototype for a modular aircraft wing – one that makes use of lightweight materials, and can transform its shape to suit the unique aerodynamic demands of each stage of flight. The result: less drag, decreased fuel consumption and reduced emissions.
The team has filed a patent for its innovative, "variable geometry" wing design in the United States. Consisting of multiple movable sections that are supported by strong beams running the length of the wing, the technology is operated by onboard computers that monitor in-flight conditions. Those computers direct the wing's modules to adapt as needed, changing shape and creating new configurations in order to make the wing more aerodynamic. To date, the prototype has undergone testing in Xi's Reconfigurable System Laboratory in Ryerson's George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre. In the future, Xi plans to put the wing to the test in a large-scale wind tunnel.
Fortunately, a Ryerson researcher is studying how to make airplanes more environmentally friendly. A professor of aerospace engineering, Fengfeng (Jeff) Xi has received funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to support his work with "morphing" aircraft wings. Traditional aircraft wings are stationary, in contrast to Xi's shape-shifting wing. That is, other than high-lift devices such as flaps and slats that open and close, conventional wings remain in a fixed shape during all stages of flight – take-off, ascent, cruising, descent and landing. But this is not aerodynamically optimal, says Xi.
"A fixed geometry wing is not effective at reducing drag," he says. And when an aircraft experiences more resistance in flight, it uses up more fuel and this, in turn, generates more air pollution. And those emissions in the upper atmosphere not only contribute to climate change, but also eventually cause premature deaths on terra firma.
According to a 2010 study by researcher Steven Barrett of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, toxic pollutants in airplane exhaust kill at least 10,000 people around the world on an annual basis. Many of the deaths that are due to air pollution, reports the World Health Organization, involve cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, such as lung cancer. Clearly, the stakes are high, especially in light of the growing dependence on air travel. For example, according to the United States' Federal Aviation Administration, global air travel is expected to almost double by 2032. To help address the need for green aviation, Xi has partnered with undergraduate students, graduate students and faculty collaborators, including Paul Walsh, chair of aerospace engineering, to develop a prototype for a modular aircraft wing – one that makes use of lightweight materials, and can transform its shape to suit the unique aerodynamic demands of each stage of flight. The result: less drag, decreased fuel consumption and reduced emissions.
The team has filed a patent for its innovative, "variable geometry" wing design in the United States. Consisting of multiple movable sections that are supported by strong beams running the length of the wing, the technology is operated by onboard computers that monitor in-flight conditions. Those computers direct the wing's modules to adapt as needed, changing shape and creating new configurations in order to make the wing more aerodynamic. To date, the prototype has undergone testing in Xi's Reconfigurable System Laboratory in Ryerson's George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre. In the future, Xi plans to put the wing to the test in a large-scale wind tunnel.
Knife-Wielding Robot Trains for Grocery Checkout Job Using New Coactive Learning Technique
Details — Cornell University engineers have taught a robot to work in a mock-supermarket checkout line, modifying a Baxter robot from Rethink Robotics in Boston to "coactively learn" from humans and make adjustments while an action is in progress.
"We give the robot a lot of flexibility in learning," said Ashutosh Saxena, assistant professor of computer science. "The robot can learn from corrective human feedback in order to plan its actions that are suitable to the environment and the objects present." Saxena's research team will report their work at the Neural Information Processing Systems conference in Lake Tahoe, Calif., Dec. 5-8. Modern industrial robots, like those on automobile assembly lines, have no brains, just memory. An operator programs the robot to move through the desired action; the robot can then repeat the exact same action every time an object goes by.
But off the assembly line, things get complicated: A personal robot working in a home has to handle tomatoes more gently than canned goods. If it needs to pick up and use a sharp kitchen knife, it should be smart enough to keep the blade away from humans.
The Baxter's arms have two elbows and a rotating wrist, so it's not always obvious to a human operator how best to move the arms to accomplish a particular task. So Saxena and graduate student Ashesh Jain drew on previous work, adding programming that lets the robot plan its own motions. It displays three possible trajectories on a touch screen where the operator can select the one that looks best. Then humans can give corrective feedback. As the robot executes its movements, the operator can intervene, manually guiding the arms to fine-tune the trajectory. The robot has what the researchers call a "zero-G" mode, where the robot's arms hold their position against gravity but allow the operator to move them. The first correction may not be the best one, but it may be slightly better. The learning algorithm the researchers provided allows the robot to learn incrementally, refining its trajectory a little more each time the human operator makes adjustments or selects a trajectory on the touch screen. Even with weak but incrementally correct feedback from the user, the robot arrives at an optimal movement.
The robot learns to associate a particular trajectory with each type of object. A quick flip over might be the fastest way to move a cereal box, but that wouldn't work with a carton of eggs. Also, since eggs are fragile, the robot is taught that they shouldn't be lifted far above the counter. Likewise, the robot learns that sharp objects shouldn't be moved in a wide swing; they are held in close, away from people.
In tests with users who were not part of the research team, most users were able to train the robot successfully on a particular task with just five corrective feedbacks. The robots also were able to generalize what they learned, adjusting when the object, the environment or both were changed.
A robotic limb that gives its user super-human strength has won a global contest for inventions that could change the world.
Known as Titan Arm (Yes, the same about which you have read in our 2 earlier 2 posts) – which allows people to lift 30kg (70lb) using the strength required to lift 13kg (30lbs) – was hailed as ‘ingenious’. It beat rival entries including an itch-free plastic cast in the James Dyson Awards.
‘There were 650 entries from 18 countries, including some really great ideas, so even to be finalists made us ecstatic,’ said US student Nick Parrotta, 23, a member of the winning team. British vacuum pioneer Mr Dyson, who funds the awards, said Titan Arm had impressed him because it costs only £1,200 to produce – far less than some rival exo-skeletons. ‘It is obviously an ingenious design but the team’s use of modern, rapid – and relatively inexpensive – manufacturing techniques makes the project even more compelling,’ he said.
The University of Pennsylvania winners will use their £30,000 prize money to fund more work on the arm, which could help manual workers and disabled people.
Known as Titan Arm (Yes, the same about which you have read in our 2 earlier 2 posts) – which allows people to lift 30kg (70lb) using the strength required to lift 13kg (30lbs) – was hailed as ‘ingenious’. It beat rival entries including an itch-free plastic cast in the James Dyson Awards.
‘There were 650 entries from 18 countries, including some really great ideas, so even to be finalists made us ecstatic,’ said US student Nick Parrotta, 23, a member of the winning team. British vacuum pioneer Mr Dyson, who funds the awards, said Titan Arm had impressed him because it costs only £1,200 to produce – far less than some rival exo-skeletons. ‘It is obviously an ingenious design but the team’s use of modern, rapid – and relatively inexpensive – manufacturing techniques makes the project even more compelling,’ he said.
The University of Pennsylvania winners will use their £30,000 prize money to fund more work on the arm, which could help manual workers and disabled people.
Team of Mechanical Engineers Creates a Snail-Inspired Robot
A group of mechanical engineers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology have been encouraged make a snail inspired robot. Snails are slow, slimy and sometimes irritating creatures, but the ability of the creature to move in any direction has become the cause for inspiration.
The creation is known as the RoboSnailtakes obtains signal from a living snail. Living snail has the slimy underbelly which has a sticky substance that allows the creature to stick to the surface and move across surfaces as uneven as tree bark or as smooth as glass. Snails can move horizontally, vertically and also upside down across these varied surfaces and have encouraged engineers to make such a robot that can help in invasive surgery and also in drilling of oil-wells.
Anette Hosoi, professor of mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said, "Looking at organisms like snails and clams can help us develop new robotic technologies because those kinds of animals have capabilities that current robots don't have". This type of biomechanical studies has proved to be advantageous for both mathematicians and biologists. Biologists can tell mathematical scientists that as the success of data are increasing biology become more and more counted. Mathematicians can use the tools of engineering and calculation to study this data and present new insights into the technique that the animals use to move.
A group of mechanical engineers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology have been encouraged make a snail inspired robot. Snails are slow, slimy and sometimes irritating creatures, but the ability of the creature to move in any direction has become the cause for inspiration.
The creation is known as the RoboSnailtakes obtains signal from a living snail. Living snail has the slimy underbelly which has a sticky substance that allows the creature to stick to the surface and move across surfaces as uneven as tree bark or as smooth as glass. Snails can move horizontally, vertically and also upside down across these varied surfaces and have encouraged engineers to make such a robot that can help in invasive surgery and also in drilling of oil-wells.
Anette Hosoi, professor of mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said, "Looking at organisms like snails and clams can help us develop new robotic technologies because those kinds of animals have capabilities that current robots don't have". This type of biomechanical studies has proved to be advantageous for both mathematicians and biologists. Biologists can tell mathematical scientists that as the success of data are increasing biology become more and more counted. Mathematicians can use the tools of engineering and calculation to study this data and present new insights into the technique that the animals use to move.
UC San Diego shake table, robot win Best of What's New awards.
SkySweeper is V-shaped with a motor-driven "elbow" and its ends are equipped with clamps that open and close as necessary to move it down utility lines, searching for damage, inch by inch.
The biggest outdoor shake table in the world and a robot designed to move along utility lines have received Best of What's New awards from Popular Science, the world's largest science and technology magazine. The two projects are featured in the magazine's December issue, now on newsstands. The Large High Performance Outdoor Shake Table can handle structures weighing up to 2200 tons without height restrictions. The table's powerful hydraulic actuators—piston-like devices—can move at up to six feet per second, creating realistic simulations of the most devastating earthquakes ever recorded. SkySweeper, designed in the Coordinated Robotics Lab at the University of California, San Diego, is a robot made of off-the-shelf electronics and plastic parts printed with an inexpensive 3D printer. The prototype could be scaled up for less than $1,000, making it significantly more affordable than the two industrial robots currently used to inspect power lines.
"The Best of What's New Awards is our magazine's top honor, and the 100 awardees are selected from a pool of thousands," said Cliff Ransom, executive editor of Popular Science. "Each winner is handpicked and revolutionary in its own way. Whether they're poised to change the world or simply your living room, the Best of What's New awardees challenge us to the see the future in a new light." SkySweeper, a robot to inspect utility lines SkySweeper is V-shaped with a motor-driven "elbow" in the middle. The ends of the robot's arms are equipped with clamps that open and close to move it down a line in an inchworm motion. The clamps can also release from the line one at a time and swing in a hand-over-hand motion. This will allow the robot to swing past cable support points.
"This project is a stellar example of how, leveraging modern technologies, clever mechanical designs and control algorithms can be used to achieve important and complex goals with simple and inexpensive robotic systems," said Thomas Bewley, a professor of mechanical engineering at the Jacobs School of Engineering at UC San Diego. In the future, SkySweeper could be outfitted with induction coils that would harvest energy from the power line itself, making it possible for the robot to stay deployed for weeks, or months, at a time. It could also be equipped with a camera, which would transmit images to an inspection crew. Other sensors could detect frayed cables, branches tangled in the line, and other issues.
SkySweeper is V-shaped with a motor-driven "elbow" and its ends are equipped with clamps that open and close as necessary to move it down utility lines, searching for damage, inch by inch.
The biggest outdoor shake table in the world and a robot designed to move along utility lines have received Best of What's New awards from Popular Science, the world's largest science and technology magazine. The two projects are featured in the magazine's December issue, now on newsstands. The Large High Performance Outdoor Shake Table can handle structures weighing up to 2200 tons without height restrictions. The table's powerful hydraulic actuators—piston-like devices—can move at up to six feet per second, creating realistic simulations of the most devastating earthquakes ever recorded. SkySweeper, designed in the Coordinated Robotics Lab at the University of California, San Diego, is a robot made of off-the-shelf electronics and plastic parts printed with an inexpensive 3D printer. The prototype could be scaled up for less than $1,000, making it significantly more affordable than the two industrial robots currently used to inspect power lines.
"The Best of What's New Awards is our magazine's top honor, and the 100 awardees are selected from a pool of thousands," said Cliff Ransom, executive editor of Popular Science. "Each winner is handpicked and revolutionary in its own way. Whether they're poised to change the world or simply your living room, the Best of What's New awardees challenge us to the see the future in a new light." SkySweeper, a robot to inspect utility lines SkySweeper is V-shaped with a motor-driven "elbow" in the middle. The ends of the robot's arms are equipped with clamps that open and close to move it down a line in an inchworm motion. The clamps can also release from the line one at a time and swing in a hand-over-hand motion. This will allow the robot to swing past cable support points.
"This project is a stellar example of how, leveraging modern technologies, clever mechanical designs and control algorithms can be used to achieve important and complex goals with simple and inexpensive robotic systems," said Thomas Bewley, a professor of mechanical engineering at the Jacobs School of Engineering at UC San Diego. In the future, SkySweeper could be outfitted with induction coils that would harvest energy from the power line itself, making it possible for the robot to stay deployed for weeks, or months, at a time. It could also be equipped with a camera, which would transmit images to an inspection crew. Other sensors could detect frayed cables, branches tangled in the line, and other issues.
Once again Mechanical wins hearts of millions
"Researchers envision switching a heart beat on and off with light."
Relatively new field of optogenetics may offer solutions for cardiac arrhythmia.
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to shine a light on someone's chest and defibrillate them painlessly? With a few flicks of a light switch--on-off-on-off-- Stanford University's Oscar Abilez is one step closer to changing the lives of millions. Why? Because as a focused speck of light turns on and off in Abilez's lab, a cluster of heart cells begins to expand and contract. He demonstrates that he can control the rhythm of a heart using just light.
Currently, 4 million Americans suffer from some degree of cardiac arrhythmia, wherein a person's heart beats too slowly, too quickly or at irregular intervals. Such heart rhythm problems can cause a shortness of breath, fainting and, in worst-case scenarios, death.
The good news is devices like pacemakers and defibrillators allow doctors to introduce electrical signals to set patients' hearts at regularly timed beats. But these small mechanical devices come with risks.
"It's like using a cannon to kill an ant," says Leon Esterowitz, director of the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Directorate for Engineering's Biophotonics program, which funds this research through the Living Matter Lab at Stanford, under the direction of Ellen Kuhl, a professor of engineering at Stanford.
Patients must undergo invasive surgical procedures to permanently implant the devices, which can cause cardiac tissue damage. There are other challenges too, such as lifestyle limitations and the occasional battery malfunction.
Dr. Light to the rescue:
That's where Abilez, a cardiovascular physician with a doctorate in bioengineering, comes in. He's working with a team of Stanford scientists to develop a novel biological pacemaker- one that controls the human heart with light.
Relatively new field of optogenetics may offer solutions for cardiac arrhythmia.
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to shine a light on someone's chest and defibrillate them painlessly? With a few flicks of a light switch--on-off-on-off-- Stanford University's Oscar Abilez is one step closer to changing the lives of millions. Why? Because as a focused speck of light turns on and off in Abilez's lab, a cluster of heart cells begins to expand and contract. He demonstrates that he can control the rhythm of a heart using just light.
Currently, 4 million Americans suffer from some degree of cardiac arrhythmia, wherein a person's heart beats too slowly, too quickly or at irregular intervals. Such heart rhythm problems can cause a shortness of breath, fainting and, in worst-case scenarios, death.
The good news is devices like pacemakers and defibrillators allow doctors to introduce electrical signals to set patients' hearts at regularly timed beats. But these small mechanical devices come with risks.
"It's like using a cannon to kill an ant," says Leon Esterowitz, director of the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Directorate for Engineering's Biophotonics program, which funds this research through the Living Matter Lab at Stanford, under the direction of Ellen Kuhl, a professor of engineering at Stanford.
Patients must undergo invasive surgical procedures to permanently implant the devices, which can cause cardiac tissue damage. There are other challenges too, such as lifestyle limitations and the occasional battery malfunction.
Dr. Light to the rescue:
That's where Abilez, a cardiovascular physician with a doctorate in bioengineering, comes in. He's working with a team of Stanford scientists to develop a novel biological pacemaker- one that controls the human heart with light.
Monday, 18 November 2013
Krrish 3 Movie Review: Hrithik Roshan to create pandemonium this Diwali!
Director : | Rakesh Roshan |
Music : | Rajesh Roshan |
Lyrics : | Sameer |
Starring : | Hrithik Roshan, Priyanka Chopra, Vivek Oberoi, Kangana Ranaut and Shaurya Chauhan |
KRRISH 3 is in line for a minimum of three awards in the coming year. The third has competition. Best Actor Hrithik Roshan (Krishna), Best Actor in a Supporting Role Hrithik Roshan (Dr Rohit) and Best Villain Vivek Oberoi. But Oberoi has competition in the form of Ronit Roy who stole the thunder with his evil intent in BOSS.
Director Rakesh Roshan has neatly worked on KOI... MIL GAYA packaging KRRISH into KRRISH 3 to take this franchise ahead and even further in the years to come.
But first the spoilers: as is their wont, Bollywood yet again succumbs to the song-and-dance sequence. By now Rakesh should know that it is Ok to have a superhero film without a song. We all know Hrithik is a fab dancer and to showcase this aspect here is a bit too much. Moreover, the dream sequence of Kangana Ranaut in the desert with Hrithik is actually a bore when the impact of Krissh's kiss had already essayed the message to the viewer. A little wielding of the scissors ruthlessly would have given the film that extra edge.
Add to that the sequence when Kaal (Vivek Oberoi) destructs Krrish's statue and stands atop it announcing his arrival to the citizens of Mumbai. The entire patch work with the young boy holding hands with Priya (Priyanka Chopra) and marching along with the entire junta is not perfect. There is a noticeable difference in the layer given by Rakesh to this scene when compared to the other scenes. It stands out, like a sore thumb. It's a technical faux pas. There's also a familiar tune (one whole line) of a very famous English tune fitted into one of the songs.
CHECK OUT: KRRISH 3 to be Hrithik Roshan's first solo all time blockbuster!
Now let's focus on the positives. KRRISH is India's very own Superman, and if handled smartly, can go on for years together with other actors auditioning for this role 15 years down the line.
Hrithik Roshan as father and Hrithik Roshan as son is awesome. To see the scientist Hrithik and the Superhero Hrithik communicate in one frame makes you realize how much this actor has grown from his KAHO NA... PYAAR HAI days and how much of energy he puts into his performances. His dad has made sure that the script is tight with some super-thrilling action sequences that match Hollywood.
Fit as fit can be with surfboard abs and a stylish gait when he takes off in his Krrish Avataar, Hrithik is going to create pandemonium this Diwali. And the actor deserves every bit of this. My word, there's going to be fireworks at the box Office with a new figure other than the now familiar Rs 100 Crore.
The plane sequence when the landing gear gets stuck and Krrish has to fly to get it to safety is thrilling. Ditto the scene in the end when he is holding an entire building and notices a baby below in a pram as Kaal lets loose his terror. The shifting of scenes between Maanwar (cross creatures created by Kaal) and humans is also slickly handled. And these are the only scenes where Priyanka and Kangana actually score.
The scenes in Kaal's den also generate that necessary terror aided by Vivek Obeori's splendid performance. After long a villain has instilled so much terror just by moving his fingers. Rajnikant has company! Well done, Vivek!
Recap: Krishna brings his father back from the dead in KRRISH and continues his fight against evil. In another corner of the world, another evil force with super human powers has taken shape. Kaal has his own laboratory where he lives amongst his own creations built to destruct. A deadly virus is created to induce terror and boost his empire. The antidote to this virus is obtained from his blood. So when the attack in Mumbai is neutralized without anyone reaching for his antidote, Kaal is flummoxed. How could they have created the antidote when it is only he who can? But Dr Rohit is no ordinary scientist. Remember, he had jaado for company 10 years ago in KOI... MIL GAYA?
CHECK OUT: Hrithik Roshan - KRRISH 3 is first Indian film with special effects done by Indian technicians
Take a bow Rakesh Roshan. The technology used is brilliant and the overall product is awesome.
KRRISH 3 is a must watch!
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